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  • Please ensure all vegetable are thoroughly washed in a good vegetable wash.  Vitamin content is much higher in raw vegetables, but more digestible if cooked.

  •  Alfalfa sprouts (leaves).  Alfalfa is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium and carotene which acts as an appetite stimulant. It is carotene that converts into Vitamin A when metabolized by the digestive system. 

  • Artichokes

  • Baby corn

  • Bamboo shoots.  High in sodium, but little nutritional value.

  • beans (pinto, kidney, nary, garbanzo, mug, butter, haricot, adzuki)

  • Beans (pole, wax, green, etc.)

  • Beet greens.  High in vitamin A, potassium, thiamin, riboflavin.  Vitamin A is the most important as is essential for skin and feather condition, eyesight and helping the body fight infection.

  • Bok choy

  • Broccoli, good source of vitamin A, riboflavin, ascorbic acid.  strong disease fighter.  Abundant in anti-oxidants, high in cancer fighting activities, rich in cholesterol-reducing fibers and it helps regulate blood sugar.

  • Brussels sprouts.  Feed in moderation as can cause thyroid problem if overfed.  Good source of potassium, thiamin, ascorbic acid.

  • Cabbage.  Red in lower in vitamin content

  • Carrots.  Help to promote tissue healing and excellent source of beta carotene, (infection-fighting, immune boosting anti-oxidant and artery protector) good source of  potassium. 

  • Cauliflower.  Good source of potassium

  • Cayenne.  Digestive aid, good source of vitamins A, C, B complex, calcium, phosphorous, iron.  Inhibits up to 75% of all bacteria.  Known to lower illness related to heart, cholesterol, arthritis and other problems if eaten regularly.

  • Celery.  little nutritional value, high water content

  • Chard

  • Chayote

  • Chicory.  vitamin A

  • Chickweed.  High in Vitamin A, strengthens the stomach and bowels

  • Chili peppers.  high in Vitamin A

  • Cilantro

  • Collard greens.  Good source of calcium, vitamins A,C, potassium and riboflavin.

  • Corn

  • Comfrey

  • Cucumbers (high water content)

  • Cranberries.  Known for it's properties to help bladder and urinary problems.  Also contain antibiotic and antiviral properties

  • Dandelion greens (rich in vitamin A)

  • Eggplant (cooked, mature ripe pods only)

  • Endive.  Source of vitamin A

  • Garlic. Anti-tumor properties, contains 17 anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial substances.  A natural antibiotic, it stimulates the immune system and kills parasites.  It also helps to eliminate lead, zinc and other toxins. 

  • Ginger root. 

  • Green beans (source of Vitamin A and potassium)

  • Jicama

  • Kale (vitamin A)

  • Kohrabi

  • Leeks

  • Lettuce.  Feed in moderation as has high water content.  Romaine, chickory, boston, aruula and other dark or red varieties are better than iceberg and other light colour greens. 

  • Lima beans.  Baby lima beans are a good source of potassium, thiamin, niacin.

  • Mixed veggies (frozen).  Good source of Vitamin A, though not as high as in the canned varieties, but lower in sodium.

  • Mushrooms.  Even though they contain niacin and riboflavin, they have little nutritional value. 

  • Mustard greens.  Vitamin A and calcium

  • Okra

  • Onions.  Personally I say NO to fresh onions, as I said to a lady that emailed and asked me about onions just last week.   Others say they are questionable.  Onions, like some other oxalates, can bind up calcium.  Again, personally I only use powder in mashes, sparingly and would never consider giving any of my pets, dogs or birds, raw onions.

  • Parsley.  High in Vitamins A and C, calcium, chlorine, copper, phosporus, potassium and an incomplete protein.  Helps to cleanse the kidneys. 

  • Peas (green, sugar snap, peas in pod) (green and yellow split).   Good source of Vitamin A, phosphorus, thiamin and niacin.

  • Peppers (red, green, yellow, jalapeno, chili).  Red pepper flakes are high in Vitamins A and C, as well as several minerals.  They help increase circulation and promote clotting.

  • Potatoes (white, red, new, cooked) baked is best.  White and red potatoes are good sources of B6, potassium, phosphorus, iron, thiamin, niacin, ascorbic acid.

  • Pumpkin (cooked).  Seeds are gland heaters, may kill some intestinal parasites.  The high zinc content promotes issue growth.  Canned pumpkin contains the highest amount of Vitamin A of all vegetables.

  • Radishes.  Little nutritional value)

  • Spinach.  feed in moderation as can bind calcium in system.   High in Vitamin A and potassium.  Frozen cooked spinach has the highest amount.

  • Sprouts (alfalfa, bean, etc.)  These contain vitamin C and are nourishing to the glands but are an incomplete protein.

  • Squash (butternut, acorn, etc. cooked).  good source of Vitamin A, potassium, niacin.  Summer squash has lower vitamin value than winter varieties do.  Seeds high in silenium.

  • Sweet potatoes.  Good source of vitamin A, niacin, B6.  Boiled is best.  Canned mashed sweet potatoes are highest in vitamin value, but not the candied variety.

  • Tomatoes.   good source of Vitamin A and ascorbic acid.  Tomato paste, sauce, and puree all have high Vitamin A values but may also be high in sodium.

  • Turnip greens.  Turnip greens are high in Vitamin A and calcium.

  • Watercress.  This is high in Vitamin A, C, E and aids the kidneys.

  • Yams (good source of Vitamin A, niacin, B6)  Boiled is best

  • Yellow wax beans (lower than green beans in vitamin value)

  • Zucchini (see squash).


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